
June 6th 2012 was marked as World IPv6 Launch, as the World IPv6 Launchsuccessor of last years World IPv6 Day (June 8th). Today a lot of major internet content providers turned on their Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) connectivity, and became reachable on “the new internet” (finally).

“The fact that over 2,000 websites and 50 access providers are making significant commitments through participation in World

IPv6 Launch is yet another indication that IPv6 is no longer a lab experiment; it’s here and is an important next step in the Internet’s evolution,” commented Leslie Daigle, Chief Internet Technology Officer at the Internet Society. “As more IPv6 services become available, it’s increasingly important for companies to accelerate their own deployment plans.”

As networks around the world transition to IPv6, it is essential for organizations to deploy network security solutions that can deliver protection for both IPv6 and IPv4 content. Organizations must also gain a clear understanding of the security challenges that come with the migration from IPv4, thoroughly evaluate threats that are unique to IPv6, and adopt best practices necessary for a secure deployment.

Near one of the major internet exchanges in the world, Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), a World IPv6 Launch event was organized at the Universiteit van Amserdam (UVA). Information can be found at  and recordings will be available soon.

Been there – Done that – Got the T-shirt

World IPv6 Launch T-shirt Amsterdam Netherlands

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